There is a very small mutiny or perhaps a pirate war going on in my nase. There are several ships mutinying at once, so it's not a small war in the sense of importance, only small in the sense of scale-- that is, those are teeny weeny ships. And they are exploding one after another, in the vicinity of that silly place between your eyes that people are always pinching. Now I know why people are always pinching that place: because they are trying to kill the tiny fucking pirates! Hey guys! Stop making my nasal passages burn! IT'S NEITHER HILARIOUS NOR PRODUCTIVE!!!
These pirates are way more cute and yet still way huger than the motherufckers in my nose. Just to give you a sense of scale.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Mutiny in my nase
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
All this, with a British accent!
Creepy, hilarious, philanthropic... what more could you ask for in a video?
Sunday, December 14, 2008
My Feelings (Mostly Negative) About Ice.
What's that you say? It's the only known non-metallic substance that expands when it freezes? That it's an important part of global climate and the water cycle? That glaciers are pretty and stripey?

Saturday, December 13, 2008
Yo dog's so ugly, her mama had to tie a steak around her neck to get your mama to play with her.
See what I did there, to that "your mama" joke? Heh.
One thing's for sure: Bobo's not making it to "cuteoverload" any time soon.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Good God, can my attention span GET any shorter?
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Don't Worry, I'll Not Quit my Day-Job Yet
Of course, that's easy to say when your day job involves screwing with the concept of subject-verb agreement and grooving on thoughts like attempting to render Joseph Cornell's boxes with words. Have I mentioned lately how much I love this thing called art? And how lucky I am to be making it?
Friday, June 13, 2008
Climbing the Walls
I am afraid of heights. This is fairly well established to anyone who knows me well. Walking on sidewalks looking down at the curb can make me kind of dizzy. I have to close my eyes when I go up on tiptoe. Don't get me started on getting in and out of Hummers. (Because I am this eco-obnoxious, may I just state that I have never, in my life, gotten in or out of a Hummer?) Okay.
What is the most logical form of exercise for such a one, may I ask? Obviously, rockclimbing. Or wall-climbing. But you know, anything that gets you sixty or so feet off the ground, dangling from a dubious purple string and a carabiner between your legs. But for some strange reason, I have always wanted to do it. And on Tuesday (and again today!) I did.
Injuries sustained. (Yes, they hardly exist, but the one on my elbow hurts like a BITCH!!)
Friday, May 30, 2008
In the Pursuit of my Life-Long Desire to be a Crotchety Old Lady
Not only do I drink Cape Cods, not only do I have more cats than bathrooms, not only do I wear flat orthopedic sandals, not ONLY do I hate children and make inappropriate sexual comments at any turn, I partake in needlework, darlings. And not just any needlework: this is the queen of all crotchety old lady needlework-- it is in fact, CALLED "crochet." Crotchety, crochet. Get it?
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Ladybird is the newest addition to the family, with probably the most dramatic story. I was dumping our recyclables in our neighbor's bin (I am probably the world's guiltiest recycler-- I always sneak out late at night and drop them in one at a time to minimize noise, afraid I might be found out!), I heard this little squeak, looked down, and saw a bedraggled white kitten, wearing a flea collar. I patted her and went on my merry way, convinced she had owners if she had a collar.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Bestand this, bee-yotch!
So, due in no small part to a continuing conversation with Mighty Maya (fellow: 1. Exonian, 2. layabout, and 3. semi-latent creative genius) I have been thinking about... well... lying about. Specifically, I've been wondering about the difference between laying low, limbo, paralysis, biding one's time, recouping, shoring up one's creative juices, etcetera. Is there a productive sort of lying about? When does that productivity tip over the edge into non-productivity? Is it possible to spend most of one's life not being productive, but still being meaningfully productive, if that makes sense? It's enough to give one a headache. Perhaps it's time for a nap.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Sweet Country Lovin'
Country music is one of my so-called guilty pleasures. My mom and I sang along to it in the car when I was little (actually, we still do!), I got massively teased about it in high school, dropped it, came back to it-- I can't call it love/hate, because it's really only ever been love. Love, love, love it. Love Top-20, love the eighties power-ballads, love the ridiculous fashions, love the alts, the oldies, the personalities. Okay? I admit it. I love country music. And I refuse to be guilty about it ANY LONGER!!
Monday, March 24, 2008
La Jolla!
Well and so. Today was a beautiful day, coincidentally Easter (although Ilya and I didn't figure that out until we tried to go to the bookstore this evening), so we piled in the car and went to La Jolla, where the sea is sparkly and green and the people are not sparkly and green. Mostly they are very tan.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Who says there's no "Porn" in Inspiration?
So, as most of you know (if indeed there's anyone out there at all), I'm writing a book called "Stories are the Dreams of Lesser Gods." Yes, it's a long title. Yes, it's actually a sentence. Okay. Thanks for the input.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Just got news that I was accepted at Brown for their MFA program in Fiction... with a $33,000 scholarship! I called Ilya to inform him, and after some mutual celebration and back-patting, he let me know that he'd flinched two rejection letters from the mail before I could see them-- Iowa and Michigan. Good thing he told me now-- I'm still floating on air!
Friday, March 7, 2008
Have you ever...
Shuddered with delight upon climbing into bed? I mean, I have serious love for The Bed at any time of day or night, but real, true physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion combined is rare. Tonight, I've got it. Oh, I cannot waaaaaaiiiiiiit.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
10 Things that make me Happy
1. This print of a polaroid by the lovely Spaniard Urizen Freaza. I bought it from Etsy, a brilliant place to pick up art on the cheap. Ilya absolutely hates it, but it makes me absurdly happy-- of course, as I'll be posting other works that I've bought, it will become clear that anything with additional wings makes me absurdly happy.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
On the Subject of the Fitness of One's Physique
Some sort of spring fever seems to have hit the world at large, and instead of cleaning, my nearest and dearest are flocking to gyms, yoga studios, and the great outdoors for the purpose of greasing their knee joints, increasing the relative strength of their heartbeats, and presumably, nurturing that more abstract but socially hygienic goal of "physical fitness." So I, like the lemur [LEMMING] I am, got in line to jump off the cliff. I joined the gym.
Friday, February 22, 2008
3 Wishes
I've given a lot of thought to what my three wishes would be if a genie popped out of, say, the vase I picked up from my last trip to Goodwill. There are a lot of reasons for this, I'm sure, including a passionate love for fairy tales, fantasy novels, and men in parachute pants. So, after at least twenty years of mulling over this question, I'm ready to reveal my three choices:
- I have to be able to change back!
- There have to be some formal words to think or say aloud in order to do this, lest, you know, mid-coitus, the image of a porcupine should pop into my head and my husband would end up doing some SERIOUS explaining in the hospital.
- I need to be able to change from one shape into another without going back to my intermediate human shape.
- When I change back into a human, I need to be wearing the same clothes and retain whatever objects I had with me before I changed.
- I need to be able to retain my human brain and consciousness in whatever shape I change to, even if it's a flea, or say, a diamond (a diamond shape would actually be really useful if say, a piano was about to fall on your head.)
- I also need to be able to retain the abilities and instincts of whatever animal I change into. It wouldn't be much help to change into wolf form and then not be able to run because I don't know what to do with my tail, or into fish form without knowing how to breathe through gills.
- I also want to be able to change my human shape. So I could be a man, or a child, or an old woman, convincingly. Even better, I should be able to know the things a helicopter pilot, or doctor, or painter should know, if I change myself into one.
- I should also be able to wish to be myself, but in a different place. So this takes care of teleportation, basically.
- I have to be able to retain the memory of being whatever I change into, and what happened while I was in that form.
- Again, there have to be some sort of magic words uttered so I don't find out things I'd rather not know, which seems to be the fate of many people who receive this wish. I don't want to KNOW everything, I just want to be able to find things out.
- I want to be able to find out not only factual things, but also more subjective things. For instance, it would be very helpful to know what the best way to go about getting someone to give you something.
- I want to be able to forget anything I need to.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Essence o' Bloggery
10 Reasons you May not want to Read this Blog.

In the spirit of full disclosure, I've decided to reveal ten strange things about myself right away. Just so, you know, everyone gets it right from the start.