Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Don't Worry, I'll Not Quit my Day-Job Yet

Of course, that's easy to say when your day job involves screwing with the concept of subject-verb agreement and grooving on thoughts like attempting to render Joseph Cornell's boxes with words. Have I mentioned lately how much I love this thing called art? And how lucky I am to be making it?

Speaking of making art, I have always had this love for claymation. I remember seeing a little making-of special on Wallace & Gromit when I was younger and being obsessed with the idea of making a three-dimensional world come to life. I love me some Pixar, don't get me wrong, but there's something so amazing and fantastic (in the sense of fantasy) about stop-motion videos. So when I got an opportunity in a class to try something completely new, my group decided to do a claymation movie. This was probably insane, as it took us approximately 20 hours to make them, two little films that total approximately 2 minutes of actual footage (and one silly minute of undoing all our hard work.) 

Anyway, in the interest of making sure these movies go viral and become a Youtube phenomenon and financially support me for the rest of my days, I thought that I'd post the first of the two here. Because of my vast readership. And the marketing strategists that make it up. 

Please note this isn't exactly appropriate for work, and please do not gather round your church group and/or my nieces and nephew to see the nice cartoon. And DO enjoy.


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