Shuddered with delight upon climbing into bed? I mean, I have serious love for The Bed at any time of day or night, but real, true physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion combined is rare. Tonight, I've got it. Oh, I cannot waaaaaaiiiiiiit.
Ilya had a reading in LA today, so we hopped in our little car and drove up today-- which would be exhausting anyway (we went 90 most of the way, made it to LA in 1 1/2 hours, which is SWEET time, but spent another 1/2 hour to go 5 miles. Really. I blinked at my speedometer, said boo, but it was only five miles. Insane!), but I spent 11 hours writing a paper last night, and stayed up till 5 am to do so. It was a very good paper, but I am ZONKED, especially after making nice-nice with the poets and organizers (easy this time because they actually WERE nice-nice), and attempting to find some food and gas in downtown LA, which is deserted after 5 pm. Ghost town. With tumbleweed and everything.
But tomorrow, tomorrow my friends, will be a vacation. We're going to this macaron shop I've been waiting to visit for months, and then we're going to museums, and we're going to eat vegan sushi. And it will be fabulous.
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