I've given a lot of thought to what my three wishes would be if a genie popped out of, say, the vase I picked up from my last trip to Goodwill. There are a lot of reasons for this, I'm sure, including a passionate love for fairy tales, fantasy novels, and men in parachute pants. So, after at least twenty years of mulling over this question, I'm ready to reveal my three choices:
1. I wish to be able to change shape into whatever animal, vegetable, or mineral I desire. (This requires amendments)
- I have to be able to change back!
- There have to be some formal words to think or say aloud in order to do this, lest, you know, mid-coitus, the image of a porcupine should pop into my head and my husband would end up doing some SERIOUS explaining in the hospital.
- I need to be able to change from one shape into another without going back to my intermediate human shape.
- When I change back into a human, I need to be wearing the same clothes and retain whatever objects I had with me before I changed.
- I need to be able to retain my human brain and consciousness in whatever shape I change to, even if it's a flea, or say, a diamond (a diamond shape would actually be really useful if say, a piano was about to fall on your head.)
- I also need to be able to retain the abilities and instincts of whatever animal I change into. It wouldn't be much help to change into wolf form and then not be able to run because I don't know what to do with my tail, or into fish form without knowing how to breathe through gills.
- I also want to be able to change my human shape. So I could be a man, or a child, or an old woman, convincingly. Even better, I should be able to know the things a helicopter pilot, or doctor, or painter should know, if I change myself into one.
- I should also be able to wish to be myself, but in a different place. So this takes care of teleportation, basically.
- I have to be able to retain the memory of being whatever I change into, and what happened while I was in that form.
2. I wish to have the power to know the answer to any question. (This is another one that can bite you, so more amendments).
- Again, there have to be some sort of magic words uttered so I don't find out things I'd rather not know, which seems to be the fate of many people who receive this wish. I don't want to KNOW everything, I just want to be able to find things out.
- I want to be able to find out not only factual things, but also more subjective things. For instance, it would be very helpful to know what the best way to go about getting someone to give you something.
- I want to be able to forget anything I need to.
3. Free the genie. Duh.
I'm fairly confident these are the best wishes ever. Shape-shifting is awesome-- I can experience anything, from flying to deep-sea diving to watching my neighbor's HBO. Knowing anything I want to know could take care of me for the rest of my life-- in trouble with the law? Instant blackmail! Need money? Find some local buried treasure! Want to cure cancer? Bingo. And if you're tempted to ask a question you know you shouldn't (does he really love me, what do my friends find most annoying about me, what am I really like?) you can forget about it. And everybody knows you're supposed to free the genie. If you think you know different, you obviously haven't read "The Djinn in the Nightingale's Eye" by A.S. Byatt, and if you haven't already, you should.
Anybody think they have better wishes? Or think I left something incredibly important out of my amendments?
I am awed and impressed by your thoroughness -- THAT SAID -- I don't know if I agree that the teleportation thing can really be covered by the shapeshifting wish. A biiiit of a reach, Farris. A bit of a reach.
You've seen right through me.
You must hate to know that you are your mother's daughter...
Anonymous-- hardly! Why do you say so? Are these your ideal wishes too?
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