Friday, April 4, 2008

Sweet Country Lovin'

Country music is one of my so-called guilty pleasures. My mom and I sang along to it in the car when I was little (actually, we still do!), I got massively teased about it in high school, dropped it, came back to it-- I can't call it love/hate, because it's really only ever been love. Love, love, love it. Love Top-20, love the eighties power-ballads, love the ridiculous fashions, love the alts, the oldies, the personalities. Okay? I admit it. I love country music. And I refuse to be guilty about it ANY LONGER!!

First off, can we talk about the gorgeousness of country musicians? Lots of eye-candy to choose from, but let's just pick the two most famous redheads of the bunch, as I happen to be partial. We have Willie Nelson to start, whose rugged mug graces the beginning of this post. I have a massive crush on Willie-- looks, politics, music, he's got it all. I'm slowly working through his discography, which is MASSIVE, but I just picked up "Stardust" which is a cover album. You should definitely check out "Georgia on my Mind" if you haven't already. I think part of the reason I love him so much is that he just seems like such a pure, bright spirit. I'm sure he has his share of jadedness after almost 50 years in the music business, but it doesn't show. I've taken to wearing my hair in braids. Maybe if I spend some more time in the sun...

Next up, we have Bonnie Raitt, hardcore-cool, whom my friend Jericho and I have decided is "my" diva. She's had the same hairdo since at least 1982, and baby still rocks it. She's one of the most gifted slide guitarists to sling a bottleneck, and she 's deeply committed to preserving the music and history of the blues. I love picturing her backintheday, the little roundfaced redheaded white girl, opening for Sippie Wallace, Son House, Muddy Waters, and John Lee Hooker (click to listen to one sexy-ass song). She's been active in civil rights, environmentalism, and women's rights. Yah, I want to be Bonnie when I grow up. 

Do you think we can convince them to get married? And adopt me?

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Elizabeth Thorpe said...

Plus, "I Can't Make You Love Me" is such a great story-in-a-song. It's only cheesy because it's been covered by cheesy people. When Bonnie sings it, it's this perfect example of restrained emotion and reassurance.

I saw her in concert and she was amazing, even from far away (it was a big concert). I'd like to see Willie too.

~katie. said...

Me too!